action figures, azog, bilbo, bolg, great goblin, legolas, merchandising, tauriel, thorin, toys
An updated list of preorder items had been available on the BigBadToyStore website, but are now no longer listed. Fortunately, it was summarized here by That Figures, and includes:
3.75” Goblin King Playset ($44.99)
3.75” Deluxe Beast Pack Series 1 -Goblin King with Thorin ($32.99)
3.75” Collector Pack – Bilbo, Thorin, Dwalin, Kili, Fili ($29.99)
3.75” Beast Pack Series 1 – Fimbul (Orc) with Worg* ($19.99)
3.75” Deluxe Battle Pack Series 1 -Bolg & Gandalf ($17.99)
3.75” Figure Two-Pack Series 01 -Bilbo Baggins & Gollum ($14.99)
3.75” Figure Two-Pack Series 01 -Legolas & Tauriel ($14.99)
3.75” Figure Series 01 – Bilbo Baggins ($9.99)
3.75” Figure Series 01 – Gandalf the Grey ($11.99)
3.75” Figure Series 01 – Thorin Oakenshield ($11.99)
3.75” Figure Series 01 – Legolas ($11.99)
3.75” Figure Series 01 – Grinnah ($11.99)
6” Deluxe Collector Figure – Azog ($21.99)
6” Figure Series 01 – Thorin Oakenshield ($14.99)
6” Figure Series 01 – Legolas ($17.99)
6” Figure Series 01 – Tauriel ($17.99)
6” Figure Series 01 – Bilbo Baggins ($17.99)
6” Figure Series 01 – Gandalf the Grey ($17.99)
Yeah, Bolg! Azog and Bolg! Whoohoo! Makes me think we are going to be seeing Bolg in the first movie to actually *gasp* establish the character before tossing him into the Battle of Five Armies with nothing but a footnote to explain his existence🙂
I am finding it strange that Bolg is listed, but not Beorn, or Radagast. Hmm. But neither are a whole lot of other characters, so we will see.
april73 said:
Great news. Thanks Darkjackal.🙂
DarkJackal said:
Anytime! Now if I could just make images of them appear!
april73 said:
That would be great.😉
PS : due to some bug when posting comment on blogs (especially on WordPress), I have made somes changes with my acount, so the name is yes “april73″ instead of “April”.😉
DarkJackal said:
Good to know! Thanks!
IWantToBeAPinUp said:
I am SOOOOO getting that Thorin doll… sorry…figure!
DarkJackal said:
Just think, someday we may have a version of Thorin that is as awesome as this one of Gimli —> http://sculptortim.deviantart.com/art/Gimli-Statue-Side-A-201931831
ldgunk said:
Thanks for this as it was on my mind….shipping is out of this world!
I have sunk even deeper to geekdom as I added Hobbit and Thorin toy and action figures to my Google Alerts then I came across a post about the recent Toy Expo in NYC. Bridge Direct spokes person said that they won’t be previewing their Hobbit items until July 11th at Comic Con, San Diego
DarkJackal said:
Thank you for pursuing the matter further, and boo to waiting that long! Though really, we are getting a ridiculous amount of spoilers for this movie already. I should not complain.
And congrats on hitting a deeper level of geekdom! I think it may be a bottomless pit.
bccmee said:
Great info, thanks! Can’t wait to see what these toys look like. 🙂
DarkJackal said:
ldgunk tells us we only have to wait till July!
oakenshield89 said:
this is awesome. Time to be a kid again!
DarkJackal said:
That is so true! I have a box of LOTR action figures that I had fun with for about five minutes a piece, but then put away forever. I don’t do the collector thing and keep everything nice and boxed. I just tear it open, nearly break it, and forget it. *sigh*
oakenshield89 said:
I wish mine were in that good of shape!😛 Fortunately I was able to pass my huge box full of them on to younger siblings! Seeing my old Boromir and witch king toys brings back memories and its hard not to at least fiddle with ’em!😉
Gratiana Lovelace said:
Hi DJ,
Thanks for the heads up. It’s nice to see these items priced in a reasonable range for kids to purchase.
Though I wish that some of these action figures were more “Barbie sized”. Ha! As a kid, I used to love “marrying” Barbie and my brother’s GI Joe action figure by putting them in a shoe box together. Well,who knows what they did, but no little “Skippers” emerged when we opened the shoe box later. Ha!
Giggles and Cheers! Grati ;->
DarkJackal said:
I’m pretty sure something akin to your “marriage” ceremony is actually practiced in some cultures!
Can’t wait to see what you put your Hobbit figures up to.🙂
Javier said:
Already the other dwarfs do not make them in 6 inches?
thefilmcell said:
If you are in the UK the offering is slightly different, check out http://www.thefilmcell.com/all-film-merchandise/Hobbit-Merchandise for a list of UK Hobbit merchandise