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July 2012 Updates with new images at the end of the page

A glance at any images from the Hobbit movie gives an idea of the incredible array of weapons that will be employed in the films.  In most shots, the dwarves are bristling with axes, hammers, spears, mattocks, maces, and swords, as well as the odd spoon (Bombur will knock your ass out with that cast-iron ladle) and slingshot (look really close at Ori’s promo pic, and during the scene with the trolls in the trailer).

Dwarves at Rivendell

And we haven’t even seen what the Elves of Mirkwood, or the Men of Dale may wield, or all the goodies hidden in Smaug’s hoard.  Any real collector is probably salivating just thinking about it!  But out of all of this, which items will make it onto the market, and how soon can we expect them? 

United Cutlery has the license to create the new replicas, and we can assume that some of the most famous will be in the first group to be released, such as Sting, Orcrist (check out this post for more about that weapon), and possibly even Gandalf’s staff.  If you have a keen eye, you’ll already know that there are some differences in Sting and Gandalf’s staff compared to their Lord of the Rings counterparts.


Glamdring appears to be the same as it was in LOTR, so it may continue to be produced as is, or be re-released.

There are a number of dwarven swords shown in the production images and v-logs (including Dori’s, Kili’s, Thorin’s, Balin’s, and Fili’s twin blades) but whether they will all be released, or when, is unknown.

But with The Hobbit being focused heavily on dwarven culture, United Cutlery will have more than just swords to consider.

Dwarves know the value of a good axe, and with any luck, we will have a chance to get our hands on those Thorin and Gloin can be seen holding.

Gloin approves of more replica axes!

But what if you had your heart set on getting Dwalin’s insanely large war hammer, or Bofur’s mattock?  Well considering the real life weight of something like this, these will not likely be produced in real iron, but might be offered as resin replicas.

So far there is no sign of the most famous bow in The Hobbit, that of Bard the Bowman, but we have already seen one of dwarven design carried by Kili in the trailer and promotional image.

Unfortunately, we may have to wait patiently to see if they will make it into production.  United Cutlery did not produce any bows for the LOTR films, though other companies had a few editions over the years.

A prop bow from The Hobbit production video

Be watching the United Cutlery website for official releases, but don’t expect much to be revealed until September/October of this year.

Update 4/17/12: Blade Center recently announced they will be carrying:
“the full line of Officially Licensed Swords and Weapons made by United Cutlery from the movies: The Hobbit – An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: There and Back Again. Any information we receive about which items will be released and when they will be released will be posted on our site as soon as possible. We will most likely be taking preorders for the swords and other weapons once we know exactly when they will be available and pricing details.

Update 7/3/12:
For those interested in the function and design of the dwarven weapons, Landon from A Hole in the Ground has a very informative post on the subject!

Update 7/16/12:
Comic-con revealed a few of Weta’s own Hobbit weapon replicas, including:

Dwalin’s Axes (the runes name them Grasper and Keeper)

Balin’s Mace:

(image source: TORn)

And Fili’s Hunting Knife

(image source: actionfigs.com)

These items will be made in Poly urethane and will available in the fourth quarter of this year.

Weta also previewed the Master Swordsmith’s version of Orcrist at Comic-con.