balin, dwalin, dwarves, entertainment weekly, high res, news, photos, richard armitage, sword, thorin
Thanks to Ali on RichardArmitageNet.com for posting these images and more from the tablet edition of EW. Now I can stop crawling the walls wondering about it!
Needless to say, I can’t get over how young Thorin is looking here. Is it just the lighting, or is this from a flashback? Definitely a Thorin Glamour Shot if ever there were one :-) We get a great view of the pommel of his original sword here too. You know, the one he has before upgrading to Orcrist.
april73 said:
OMG OMG OMG…. What a fabulous Thorin pic.
I swoon, I swoon, I swoooon, lol.
Thanks DarkJackal.🙂
DarkJackal said:
Seriously, this photo almost made me late to work this morning. I don’t want to know what mischief the actual movie will cause!
april73 said:
NovemberBride said:
LOL, april73!! Quck someone grab the smelling salts!
This is a softer Thorin…the eyes. Oh dear.
april73 said:
I urgently need a mouth-to-mouth lol.
Faboamanto said:
From Thorin I’m sure😉
april73 said:
Yes… Or from Guy of Gisborne, another of my favorite RA’s character, lol.
Cosmetic Lotro said:
He is definitely… omg!
Now about that sword: “We get a great view of the pommel of his original sword here too. You know, the one he has before upgrading to Orcrist.” It suddenly hit me that this must be the lore for always having to deconstruct my legendaries…😦
NovemberBride said:
YESS! That explains it. I could NOT for the life of me, figure out where that sword came from. Thanks!
DarkJackal said:
That’s too funny. Thorin finally came across a First Age, so time to remove all the relics from his original! He had probably outleveled it anyway!
Faboamanto said:
Thanks for the info about the sword. I hadn’t thought, but of course, this is the younger Thorin from flashbacks.
Bless PJ! They may need to supply us with oxygen at the movie theaters
DarkJackal said:
Well I sure hope it is a younger version or our eyes have been deceiving us for the last few months.
saraleee said:
Now, this is definitely the kind of stuff to give the troops.🙂 I think a lot of people are finally understanding the Thorin appeal.
DarkJackal said:
True, though we know who the faithful are🙂
hotdwarflovin said:
DarkJackal said:
OH just admit it! I can’t go there, too distracting. I’ve got boring old Jack Sparrow on mine instead🙂
hotdwarflovin said:
There needs to be slash fanart of Thorin and Jack Sparrow. Because reasons.
oakenshield89 said:
all i can say is wow.❤
DarkJackal said:
Take that image with you to New Zealand! Have a great trip!!
Landon said:
Thanks for putting this pics up! Balin is definitely still the dwarf I think looks the most . . . “dwarfy”
DarkJackal said:
I really love Dwalin and Balin smirking over something at Bilbo’s expense!!
Anarya Andir said:
December come soon. Then the world can end😛
Anarya Andir said:
After watching the Hobbit of course😀
DarkJackal said:
I feel for those in other countries who won’t get the movie till after the world ends😦
Anarya Andir said:
Hehee. Well the world cannot, and won’t end this year – because there’s another Hobbit movie coming up next year😀
Seth Taylor Moore said:
It’s now November 20, much later than most of these comments, and I have no idea what to think about this Thorin. He’s certainly handsome, but how does Peter Jackson justify making him look so young when Balin, twenty years his junior, looks like Santa Claus?? From all the images of him released so far, this does in fact seem to be his actual appearance in the movies, not just a flashback. If it’s not, then New Line has done a fantastic job in hiding the real Thorin from us. Anyway, I’m not sure what to think about this.
D.J. said:
Thanks for the questions Seth. I know you’ve read the newest info I put on TORn, so we know Thorin is younger than Balin for sure. I still think this looks very young compared to some of the images (the attitude is different too), but it may be the lighting only. Here is a less contrasty version
But I really can’t see the streaks of white in his hair in these shots. Since I am now pretty sure they’ve shortened the timeline, this could be a shot of him during the Battle of Azanulbizar, which would fall in between the coming of Smaug and the quest.
Only a short time now before we know for sure.