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Since my focus is Tolkien’s dwarves, I try to keep my Richard Armitage fangirling to a minimum if it isn’t Hobbit related (there are plenty of other sites you can get an RA fix from).  BUT…it’s a slow week for news, and this just makes me happy. I’ll make a weak attempt to justify it by pointing out “The Hobbit” is mentioned near the end.

Several fans have had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Armitage on the set of “Black Sky” (that tornado movie formerly known as “Category Six”) over the past few weeks.  The open atmosphere of this production certainly contrasts with the lock-down Hobbit set, and these unannounced visitors have been treated quite well by all accounts.  All reports are that Richard is a genuinely gracious fellow (I don’t doubt this, but I like to keep hearing it). Suzi, the forum admin. on Richard Armitage Central, joined these lucky few today.  She shares her account here.