Cirdan has posted a set picture over on showing what might be a glimpse of a small chunk of Erebor. It is a stairway and a square marbleized column with carved runes spelling out KINGDOM,
or at least it does if you compare it to this translation listed on the Apparently the runes used in The Hobbit differed from those used in Tolkien’s later works, just to make life more confusing.
This is an English translation of the German page. Please go here to view the original article and photo!
[Successful Snapshot: Our anonymous donor information has managed a photo of a part of a Dwarven backdrop to make the left just as the gates of Weta Workshop.
Apparently these scenes parts were taken to a place unknown. Also set it to what exactly is unknown, but the dwarf runes, and the steps suggest the environment of Erebor. Maybe it’s all about the entrance to the Lonely Mountain?
The runes are the Hobbit by JRR Tolkien used Old English runes, representing here the English word KINGDOM (ie “Kingdom”). This is the same runes such as on Thrór card. ( Thank Saelon! )]
My thanks to Ana Cris for alerting me to this article!